Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Black Love 12

lulu: Khalid what exactly do u wanna prove by coming here? that u can get in even if u were'nt invited? ok you've proved that point. now can you please leave before meshal comes? i dont want him seeing you here.

khalid: lulu i got you a wedding gift, i love you...since we were 5 w anna i look at you from afar and think of how happy i will be if i got to play with you. bas u always hung out with the girls and when you got older you didnt even bother to look at me anymore. shsawait ana??!! i just liked you. is that a crime ya3ni?!!

lulu: khalid lama im ur friends girl, it is... inzain im sorry bas im not accepting a wedding gift from you....

minute by minute by heart beat faster.
the fear of getting caught talking to him.
the fear wasnt the only thing causing my heart to accelerate... his smile
it always made me uncomfortable to think about it because i was weirdly drawn to it
im about to get married and im thinking about a man's smile
a man other than my fiance....
oh dear...

khalid: the thing is lulu ana yay 3ashan a36eech ilhadiya w mashy, itha u wanna keep contact later on kaifich ana mawjood either way...

he went to the kitchen counter and pulled a box out of what i thought was a normal bag someone had thrown into the kitchen... he pulled out a beautiful bracelet... and asked if he could put it on my wrist.

i was speechless.
i know he likes me and everything even though im about to get married, but hes my cousin..i have to accept this from him dont you think?

i held out my wrist and he put the beautiful bracelt on it. it matched my dress and i had no idea how he figured out that it would. i smiled at him and turned to leave... thats when he held my arm

khalid: agool lulu....

(ma gidart i keep it as a cliff hanger right there i love u guys too much)

khalid: lamma the night is over please look on the inside of the bracelt...

lulu: inshallah thank you so much for this u didnt hav--..... oh hi meshal.....

meshal: Damn it are you kidding me!! esh-hal ma95ara!! shitsawoon intaw! LULU MIN 9IJJICH! LA W HI MESHAL BA3AD!

and with that i could see the flames shooting out of his eyes meaning that i was in deep trouble...and so was khalid...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Black Love 11

3ala shan 3yoon bluelilies ;**
dedicated to both bluelilies and my beautiful little sister who hass a presentation at school tomorrow. It'll rock believe me ;)

and bluelilies hunni dont forget ill be posting daily so dont worry ull get enough of me :P

please dont mind the spelling errors, spell check has been going nutso on me.

khalid.....he was my cousin. he was very close to meshal after what happened to wahab and i knew for a fact that he loved me since we were both ten.

he was tanned and muscular, he had a dimple on one cheek and hair that was so messy you could lose something in it...his grin though, it was a bad boy grin...but no, like i said before i was lulu the saint no guy, no matter how handsome he was could get me to agree to date him.
not that khalid didnt try. he talked to his mother, my mother, my grandmother, he even convinced his older sister aljour to talk to me but i wouldnt but i wouldnt budge. Guys were the last thing on my mind then and i wanted nothing to do with them.

after he became close with meshal i would bump into him frequently at the hospital and it was always awkward. this continued up until meshal got out of the hospital. it was then, and i think this was because he did not see me frequently anymore, that he started to annoy me with phone calls every night. i must have gotten about 20 missed calls per night and i was freaked out in the beginning because wahab was gone and i had noone to go to and ask to make this stop. it wasnt until one day my mother asked me to call khalid and remind him that his family was invited to lunch at our house and she handed me her phone to call him.

it was only then that to my utter shock did i realize that the number that had been calling me continuously for the last few months was none other than khalids number and that i had to put an end for this once and for all at the lunch we were having that day. i called meshal that day and told him about this because we were already engaged now and i didnt tell him about the calls since it was already a part of my nightly routine - ignoring the unknown caller. Meshal was furious, he told khalid to stay away from me and that we were engaged to be married, that if he was to approach me in any way after today he was going to have to deal with meshal's wrath. this apperently struck a vein and khalid no longer called me any longer, i also found out from meshal that he would walk out of a place whenever khalid walked into it and that they never hung out anymore. i had been the reason for the detoriation of that friendship but to me it seemed that khalid was the one that caused it not me. he decided to act on impulse and call me, more like invade my privacy with calls, even thought he knew i was no longer his.

this was really not good. Meshal wouldnt walk out of his wedding if khalid walked in and khalid knew that. maybe this was why he decided to come. maybe he was spiteful. maybe he was up to something that would shock the both of us. all i knew was that meshal was going to either freak out when he sees khalid or he will totally ignore him unless khalid provokes him. either way he will no longer be in a good mood and it will definately somewhat ruin my wedding day.

i was not going to let that happen. i couldnt let khalid ruin my day. even though it was with a man that i no longer trusted. what i had to do now was the hardest thing ive ever done before, but yes i decided to do it for my wedding. i went back into the living room and found my phone. i called khalid:

"aloo khalid ill talk to you in the side door that leads to the kitchen. be there in 7 minutes, and dont you dare be late or tell anyone about that or else i will personally murder you"

and with that i shut the phone, got up from the living room and headed towards the garden waiting for him to arrive....all the while, i kept thinking to myself which him was i thinking about?

Black Love 10

I got into my dress and attended the wedding party
we decided to have it in our garden since it was big enough and we only wanted to invite people that were close relatives.

all night i kept wondering why i was going through with this. i have proven time and time again to myself that i do not trust meshal and when dana came and told me that story i because more sure of this. my father was sick, he had heart problems. and my mother? she needed me to get married so she can travel abroad with my father in order to either get him a heart transplant or surgery. That was why i cudnt say no to marrying meshal now. the feelings of anxiety accompanied me all night. i was tired and my brain was going through millions of thoughts per minute. Meshal still was not here but he was expected to arrive soon.

i need to act like I'm ok. like we're ok. for now at least. when meshal and i are in that house together i will confront him. i need to hear his side. i need to know what he was thinking and what really happened.

my phone was ringing and i was shocked when i saw the number on the screen. i didnt have it saved under a contact because i had lost touch with that person a long time ago. my heart started to beat furiously and i had to contemplate the idea of whether i should or shouldn't pick up. it has been SO long.. why now? why haven't i received this call earlier? i decided to answer just to know why...

"guwa lulu, sim3eeni lulu ni6reeni ilaila w ya wailich in 6ila3tay wiya mesh3alo gabil la a7acheech...please lulu"

"khalid arjook la tiye ma abeek w mesh3al a9lan ma yabeek itye!!"

"iy9eer 5air ya lulu"

with that he shut the phone, and with horror i realized that i was in for a wedding night that i had never planned to turn out like this....

Saturday, May 15, 2010


hey guys
I know I've been away for a LONG time
but i PROMISE I'm going to start posting everyday next week
i just need this time period to be over and I'm all yours

Again, sorry to my 32 followers but the stuff that Ive been going through has made my life really hectic.

Black Love

Friday, January 22, 2010

Black Love 9

i went to the beach
my sanctuary
the sound of the waves calmed me down
they relaxed me and thats exactly what i needed after that talk with danah.

i called meshal and told him to come
he knew this is where i am every time i am in distress
he told me he was already on his way and that he expected i would be there
i shut the phone and cried.
my fiance, and my best friend
they were together before?
and why would meshal never tell me?
why did he have to betray my trust in him
he lied to me
about dana
he said the only way he knew her was because he had heard things about her
i was a serious mess
my eyes were swollen and i knew this because i felt them
they were about to explode
when meshal came he tried to hug me
but i quickly moved away from him
i looked at him with sad eyes....

"why meshal? you and danah? and you never told me?"
you see i really dont blame him for my brothers death, it wasnt his fault
my brother was rash and decided to fight for me, he should have waited for more friends to back him up though, anyway he's dead and there was nothing i could do about it

"lulu i was afraid to tell you, i thought u would hate me and never speak to me again...you mean so much to me...I.....I love you....."

he was lying, i could see it in his eyes
he was just scared of my reaction if he said anything else....
i let it go
i didnt say anything to him
and i calmly went back into my car
and drove back home,
back to my life...
one that had noting to do with danah
but meshal.....did it have anything to do with him?
you'll know in the future...

mimi came to me in the car
she hugged me
she told me to stop crying or else i would have puffy eyes
she said my mother had called her
that they were all looking for me
we got back to my house
and my mother hugged me and said she tought something bad had happened to me
she told me to go to my room and take a quick bath
she was tearing up
which would have been weird if it was any other day because my mother doesnt usually cry about anything
no today my mother was crying for a different reason
she was crying because tonight was the night meshal and i were getting married.....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Black Love 8

"i don't care what you say by now. him and i are engaged. he made sure to tell the world that he wants me, so danah give up already the man doesn't want you. don't make a fool out of yourself and only realize it afterwards...."
i can tell that pissed her off but she deserved it

"he loves you but im pretty sure that after you hear what i have to say and after you realize that him and i were both the reason for wahab's death you wouldn't want anything to do with him...."

"WHAT! hes the reason for wahab's death! danah start talking i dont have all day and ive already spent so much time with you. so much more than i intended to at least."

"fine. im sure you arnt going to like what you're going to hear about your fiance anyways so why elongate this talk when im sure that u wudnt wanna have anything to do with him after our talk today.

"anywayyyyyys, so meshal 7abeebi 7ayatie and i had decided to meet up. behind your brother's back of course. this was on the day of the fight. i honestly didn't think that wahab was going to fight it off with 3aboood. i told meshal not to go because both of us thought that he was just talking to talk...you know that he wasn't going to do anything about it other than get pissed and punch a few guys..."

"so meshal went to meet you even after he told my brother he stopped talking to you?"

"which shows you what kind of hypocrite he is...yes we had decided we were going to start dating once again....so anyways we took too long on our date apparently, we were too busy that meshal forgot to check his phone....and when he saw it he found 6 missed calls from wahab....he left immediately of course...but he got there to find wahab was already stabbed and 3abood was bleeding...i guess he fought 3abood and ended up killing him or something and he got hurt in the process....bas he was not there in the beginning, contrary to what he told you i was the one he called and told after the fight had finished and i called the ambulance for him...i was so freaked out that day..."

"you are a liar. he was badly injured....but whatever you say i dont think im going to quite believe you...and wait how come i never saw u at the hospital when i went to visit him? if you loved each other so much why were you not there comforting the man you loved...."

"because he said we were the reason he died and he wanted nothing to do with me then. he said if he had just listened to wahab then everything would be normal and no one would've gotten hurt except 3abood and his friends....he was reli messed up after the fight..."

"danah, what makes you think he still wants you? hes engaged to ME"

"well that's why i called you....he ummm called me a couple of nights ago and suggested we meet up. seeing that we were once best friends i wanted to give you a heads up on what you are up against. you see i am more beautiful than you are so im pretty sure this is going to make him want me more....."

"danah....im leaving...you and your halaga can stay here and enjoy the rest of your day..."

i left that coffee shop in shock
what just happened
my brother was killed because of my best friend and my fiance
and mistake they made when they were both TOGETHER?
how can this be!
i need to get away from everything
i need to talk to him
i need to know what he thinks about this
was it true
or was danah playing with my head....
i really dont know what to expect....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Black Love 7

i know its been a while!
and im sorry you guys BUT i had to consider where i wanted this to go.
i hope u like it!
and thanks for the comments!


My brother wahab?
why wud he do that?
esp when he knew that she was my friend
and he was making her look bad.
i got quiet for a while.
then looked up at her.
she had tears in her eyes.
but she also had a look that i will never forget
a look of hatred that seemed as if it was overtaking her mind an soul
one that sent a surge of terror through my back

why the hell was she looking at me like that
and why the hell did she want to meet me if she was mad at me, or my brother
who has passed away might i add....

"danah look, its over, my brother died. your love with meshal also died, and meshal is with me now. we're engaged. i dont get what you're aiming to gain out of meeting here today. all i know is that my brother must have been both sorry and relieved that you and meshal are not together anymore. sorry for breaking two people who loved each other apart. and relieved that his friend had nothing to do with someone who's reputation exceeded her. danah its time you move on. its time you give up. its time you leave me alone!"

and with that tears started to flow down my face.
i dont understand why i was crying.
maybe i was just hormonal?
point is she really got to me.
i came here today even though my gut feeling had told me to do otherwise
but i came.
for old times' sake.
and this is what we end up doing to each other.
making each other cry.

danah quickly wiped away her tears.
"lulu, dont you wanna hear how your brother died?"

"theres more to this?"

"yeah, there is."

"start talking"

"on one condition though"

"that is?"

"you hear me out, everything that i have to say. ur gonna want to intterupt, but please dont"

"fine. TALK"

"i started to date meshal when i was 16, he was hot, but we lacked compatibility. he was the hot guy that everyone wanted. and i was the girl that went after that guy that everyone wanted. i didnt even like meshal. i guess i also did it to make him jealous. he was the one who caught my eye. i had a huge crush on him. but he didnt share my feelings. so i had to follow any other guy who took my mind off of him. i needed to forget him. and thats exactly what i did. i started getting physical with meshal. so physical that wahab could tell simply by looking at meshals eyes. he read into his soul. he knew everything."

"so wahab being the gentleman that he wsa decided to stop whatever u guys were doing?"

"yes. he talked meshal into breaking up with me, and meshal did, but after he had done so i realized that i had falled for him. badly. meshal had become the man that i wanted. and what made matters worse was that now for the second time, i was regected. i felt like an ugly dog that nobody wanted. even you got so much attention although u didnt want it. but i, i got the wrong attention, i lost the attention of the second man that i had grown to love."

"danah you do realize that you're talking about my fiance right? like right in front of me. im marrying him in a month you know."

"for now, thats the plan....but lulu plans change, nothing is written in stone....."

"danah what..."
but she interupted me.

"lulu let me finish my story.
"you and your brother pissed me off. as a said before, i was jealous of you even though u were ntohing but nice to me. maybe thats why you got on my nerves....because u were so nice!
i decided to talk to one of my old friends.....his name was 3abood....Al-Flani"


"listen to the end please. you promised."

"finish quickly cuz i cant even look at your face right now."

"i told him to make you fall for him. i did that to prove to your brother wahab that even YOU were fallable, that people made mistakes. i told wahab to follow us around, to go to the beach whenever i knew that you would be there for your occasional walk, just so you wud coincidently bump into each other. that was my plan. to make you fall for him."

"but i didnt, i didnt make that mistake. i proved to you that i was well brought up. i had my own morals that i knew could not be bent or sacrificed. not for anyone."

"yea but you were also stupid enough to go to your brother. you proved that you never had experience with men. not really"

"so me telling wahab made your friend kill him? thats how my brother died? because my so called best friend wanted to test me?" i screamed at her!

"not really" she looked right at me, then lowered her head. she was playing with her hands. the she decided to finally say something.
"lulu, this is going to get worse every second that i try to explain myself. i did this wanting to hurt you. and i did. but i hurt myself and others too. if youve had enough then leave. if you wanna know the absolute truth......u have to be strong. and to let me finish to the end...."

"danah what else did you do! why are u ruining my life!"

thats when she smiled. " lulu, what was ruined was in the past. i have a man that i need to get back. i hope that doesnt ruin your plans for the future though, lets say i hope u dont have high hopes, cuz hes going to come back to me...."

after all that...
she still has the audacity
to look me in the eye
and say that
shes going to regret it
but, i need to hear the end of this
once and for all

thats when i decided to not interrupt her. for the sake of getting this done with.
so i could punish her
for the awful things she did to my family
to my brother